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Aviculture Show held at the Volte Medicee

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Aviculture Show

Huge successes for the 8th Social Aviculture ATA Show
october 2004

Lara Fanti

The Tuscany Aviculture Association with the collaboration of the Florence Agriculture 5th D 2004/2005 class students organized on the 22-23-24 of October the 8th Social Aviculture show.

The show was held in the “Volte Medicee” that was once the Tuscany Great Duke’s stables.

Many were the breeds displayed by the ATA breeder’s partners, among which the ones bread from the famous Florence Agriculture breed (Valdarno, Black Livronese, Sicilian white and gold neck).

October the 22nd was reserved for the Judge’s point assignments and for the classifications of the individual competition. Some of the students were allowed to assist in the judgment.
The following two days the show was opened to the public (from 9.30-18.00 with free entrance).

The “Gallo Nero” students illustrated the characteristics of the animals on display and the different breeds.

There where nearly 2500 visitors and many authorities who attended the fair.

5th  D class students where present during the whole of the fair, both in giving information and organizing the catering.

It was possible to buy the farm products in the Institutes school’s greenhouse such as plaints, wine and vin santo.

The prize giving was held on Sunday at 17.00. Many prizes were given for the specimens bread by the Agriculture students among which the Valdaro, Livornese and Sicilian. And above all the biggest prize the cup for the “Absolute Champion” of the show was won by a splendid Sicilian gold neck roaster.

The best pictures of the 8th show
The exposition list
The prizewinners list

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Mrs Silvia of the Gallo Nero Consortium with Elisa and Prof. Mario Giannone

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Prize giving

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Some students of the Gallo Nero